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Data Mining Custom Forms

Creation date: 10/5/2023 9:02 AM    Updated: 10/5/2023 9:05 AM
The following procedure can be used to create reports to export information from any custom form. We also have Skyward training available for Data Mining. If you are interested submit a ticket to request enrollment. 

Students >>> Data Mining >>> Click Add in the upper right

Give the report a name and title - Click Save and Add Fields

In the far left box click on General - this will populate the next box to the right - click on Profile  - Next box click Name - in the last box you can double-click on each piece of information you want added to the report. I would pick Last Name and First Name separately so they end up in separate columns, easier to sort by the last name later in Excel. Also, double-click the grade to make that sortable later. 

In the left box select Custom Forms - this will populate the next box to the right - click on Custom Forms Student

This will populate a list of all the custom forms. Pick which form the information you are seeking is on. If you are not sure head over to:
Students >>> Custom Forms >>> At the top are views - select which one you think it is - expand a student - click edit under that form. This will show you what the parent sees and all of the questions that are on that form. 

Once you have selected your form - click on it to populate the next box with all the questions from that form. Double-click on each one you want to export the answers for. 

When you have all of your fields click on save and modify ranges - you can modify any ranges you choose. Click on save when done. 

You can pick from Print or Excel in the top row to get your report. If you are not happy with the results go back and modify the ranges or fields.